If we tell Joe Biden being all over Facebook is not enough, he won’t get it.
If we tell Joe Biden the pandemic is an extraordinary political opportunity for him to show leadership, he won’t get it.
If we tell Joe Biden that as the virus recedes and the Market blossoms to record highs Donald Trump will take all the credit while you remain essentially invisible and silent, he won’t get it.
If we tell Joe Biden that his friend Andrew Cuomo has stolen all the Democratic leadership thunder while he has shown none, he won’t get it.
If we tell Joe Biden that the selection of a woman as a Vice Presidential nominee won’t matter, he won’t get it.
If we tell Joe Biden that policy decisions about healthcare, student loans and the environment aren’t enough, he won’t get it.
And if we tall Joe Biden he doesn’t have the style or the personal ability to beat Donald Trump, he won’t get it.
Donald Trump will continue to be on national television every night for months. It doesn’t matter what he says, how he corrupts facts, changes his mind, shows his ignorance, contradicts himself, embarrasses the medical professionals, looks scared to death.
He will be there behind the Presidential seal still not even trying to be Presidential…but that’s his title and he won the election so he gets to use it…which is exactly how he feels and lets us k know it every chance he gets.
And where is Joe Biden? Showing he has social media muscle though when last we remember Presidential elections do get on TV every now and then and more Americans watch TV then play on Facebook.
Donald Trump makes everything political because for him in a very natural way, being personal is being political. He gets that because he has been a salesman all his life…and he sells high-ticket numbers. He knows what it takes to be a conman, a liar, a showman, a fake because he knows what it takes to make a sale on a high ticket number. And does what he has to do.
While the world of government treats him as part of it and part of the politics at its base, he treats government, all of government, as something to despise, denigrate, belittle and rebuke.
Because that’s the way he has always felt. And he does it every day in every way possible. And every word makes news. He has found his personal heaven and lifelong dream. It was never to be President. It was always to be attended to. Mother and Father issues come to life.
He doesn’t even try to be President because he has no idea what being President is about and couldn’t care less. He just does Donald Trump every day and that’s enough for him. And for the tens of millions who voted for him and will again.
Now Joe Biden could never consider politicizing the coronavirus. He will insist now is the time to work together to defeat it.
But politics is personal and nothing in American life has ever been as personal as this killing disease which has turned us upside down and inside out.
Biden should buy 15 minutes of time every other day and talk about the events of the day, the needs of the people, the concerns that must be met now and in the immediate future. He should highlight his expertise by being joined by experts in all fields reassuring and guiding and leading.
Can he do it? Not so far. But Andrew Cuomo is doing just that.
The problem here is that Joe and his Democratic Party have been missing the point for a very long time. That was purely evident when they ran Hillary Clinton again after she had lost a race to a man of color who few people knew and who said little about policies and programs.
Because no one really cares about those things anymore. Because Americans vote for what they see and like not for what that person stands for – or against.
Why will Bernie Sanders young voters stay away or vote for Trump. The media says because Biden is not progressive enough; doesn’t believe in Medicare for All.
But when you speak to those millennials…and they are the very same ones who supported Bernie in 2016 with very, very few additional minions, they will talk about Bernie’s anger against the entire establishment – party never mattered – his fury against the reality that America is owned by wealth and power able to buy votes and people. They love that anger, the strength behind it, the power that anger generates.
They didn’t like Hillary nor do they like Biden for the same reason. There is no power, no conviction, no fury at the establishment. Biden and Hillary are the establishment.
But none of this is Biden. The talk they he will pick a woman as his Vice Presidential candidate made a momentary stir. But anyone who knows politics knows that once upon a time a Vice President was picked because he could deliver his home state and maybe a neighboring one or two for the Electoral College vote.
Nobody voted for a President because of his VP selection. Then or now. Even if they believe the Presidential winner might serve only one term. Because no one ever says he will.
So Biden is too late and much too silent to matter when November rolls around. He has a great Irish temper but that is no substitute for the power of belief. Trump believes in Trump and that is his power. Biden never had a gift for words only gaffes. Today he seems to have difficulty with the words themselves.
Where is Joe Biden? It doesn’t matter. America is in deep trouble if he becomes the Democratic candidate for President.
“If we tell Joe Biden the pandemic is an extraordinary political opportunity for him to show leadership, he won’t get it.”
How can one show leadership without being in office, not having a bully pulpit? Merely by blabbing?
I have to respectfully disagree with your opinion. While I understand the frustration felt by many voters, particularly millennials, elections are about policy choices and directions that a nation must make. I am a mainstream/liberal Republican (“RINO”, if you will). I have voted in the past for many LP-backed candidates, as I am a firm believer in good government and the Constitution. Joe Biden was not my first choice — Mike Bloomberg and Bill Weld were. But Joe Biden gives you what this country critically needs right now — respect for the Constitution and the rule of law; stability in government, respect from our allies abroad, and getting capable people in government. You don’t get any of that from the incumbent President, and believe me, another 4 years of this President will be a horror show. That’s how I see this election and the choice before us — good government is good politics!
Professor Stephen R. Rolandi
The Lincoln Project
Republicans for Biden
We appreciate your point of view and essentially agree with it.
Joe Biden is a decent guy with all the attributes but one…the
ability to do what he must do first:win the election.
It is our view that Biden would do a decent job as President.
We simply do not believe he has the abilities to win.
Our website carries an indication that we believe a Draft Cuomo
effort should be arranged as soon as the virus shows full
abatement. We think he holds similar centrist views to Biden and has
the strength and ‘mouth’ to counter Trump.
We are not supporters of his as Governor as he has continued to
encourage pay to play…
We are also seeking to again find a candidate who can run with us
on a Republican Liberal fusion ticket in next year’s Mayoral race.
Martin I. Hassner
Executive Director
Thanks for your e-mail. I believe we are on common ground with some slight differences. I am not an enrolled Democrat (actually, I am a registered Republican in NYS since 1972, and have supported LP-back GOP candidates such as Senator Javits, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Bloomberg, Louis Lefkowitz, John Anderson, Herman Badillo, Robert Straniere, et. al.). I would certainly support Governor Cuomo if he ended up as the Democratic Party nominee, but I don’t see how this happens unless VP Biden withdrew from the race for health reasons, etc. And I would definitely support a Fusion-type candidate next year in NYC elections (these days, I call Westchester County home, although I originally hail from Brooklyn, NY). If I can be helpful in any way, let me know. All the best,
Professor Stephen R. Rolandi, MPA
Well, at long last, I’m not the only commenter. for this forum!
Some possibilities for a GOP-Liberal-Independent fusion candidacy in 2021 for Mayor:
– Melinda Katz
– Gale Brewer
– Larry Rockefeller
– Ted Roosevelt IV