What’s more improbable: that Donald Trump seriously wants to be President or that the media, the Republican Party and the public thinks he does and has put him at the top of the polls – as if that should matter a year and a half away from the election?
While you are thinking about that, think about this: this businessman who is so successful that he is ‘too big to fail” and so deserves to have an ego bigger than his tallest building, has made his point and will soon walk away…months before the first Presidential primaries early next year.
What Donald Trump has done for those of us who care about politics and government and what misfortunes have befallen both, is to prove how ‘bought and sold’ the Presidential campaign really is.
And has shown us that you don’t really have to know much about the issues to run for the job and impress the public.
And that this large group of Presidential candidates exist simply because they have the backing of significant moneymen…and that once they lose it…they are gone.
And that you can fool most of the people…but not all…as the American public will support anybody as long as that ‘anybody’ is not a professional politician.
So a quick review of what the Donald has done for us.
He has revealed that billionaires are supporting many of the present aspirants. That those still in the race continue to have that support and that the billionaires behind them still have hope of owning a Presidential nominee.
That includes Mr. Trump…he is a billionaire supporting himself. As the Republican Party and the money behind them continue to see his candidacy as a major threat, they will do everything they can to get him out of the race…most notably trying to get his poll numbers down as quickly as they can. Trump has let us all know that if his poll numbers fall, he will step out of the race.
When he tells the media that he has learned his policy lessons not from experts but from the Sunday political news shows, he is being honest. That source explains why he has nothing much to say about any policy issues beyond a sentence or two often blunt enough to make news and to show himself to be Donald, The Everyman…knows what he likes and what he doesn’t and speaks his mind.
And so far polls show that people like that approach.
We already watched Perry fail again and again four years ago. But when we hear Walker admit that he began learning about foreign policy AFTER he announced for the Presidency…we know why his recent embarrassing mistakes make sense: he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. And he’s gone.
So it is that Trump, evangelistic Surgeon Ben Carson and business executive Carly Fiorina lead in these early polls. It makes no sense. None of them know anything about the issues in depth – although Ms. Fiorina has certainly done her homework and sounds like it. (We all know that women make better students and excel when given the opportunity).
The fact that none of them has a clue about being in government doesn’t seem to matter – now. But it’s VERY EARLY. We are talking about being President. And the public is saying professional politicians aren’t doing the job and so let’s look elsewhere. You can fool most of the people…but not forever.
While he remains in the race Donald Trump will continue to highlight all of this proving again and again what is happening to an America controlled by enormous amounts of money in a very few hands; an America which no longer votes in any election including the Presidency; an America sick and tired of being led by Big Money instead of people who swear that they are fighting for all of us – but are really doing very little.
Mr. Trump listen: as your poll numbers continue to fall…little by little… and the media and the money continue their efforts to get you, don’t feel as if you failed when you walk away. We know you never really meant it. You are much too smart for that. And you had a lot of fun and really didn’t spend that much money.
You have performed a valuable public service by revealing the hard truths about what we’ve got to deal with to remain the country we want to be.
We’ve been listening and hear you. Thanks.
Although I agree with most of the points made in the article, I think that much of Mr. Trump’s appeal is related to his wealth. He gives the impression that his wealth insulates him from undue influence – that he can and will tell campaign contributors and lobbyists to shove their money you-know-where if he disagrees with them Such populist appeal may be telling.