Nixon and Cuomo: Political Theater in New York
It’s not quite Broadway and a long way from Off Broadway, but the idea of an actress with no experience in politics, government or management running for Governor of any State has got to be theater of some sort. It’s the only thing that makes any sense.
This is not to take anything away from citizen/activist Cynthia Nixon’s determination and energy to campaign for Governor of New York, a job she cannot do in an election she cannot win. There is purpose in such zeal.
A novice can run for a legislative position like the State Assembly or even Congress. Being smart, dedicated and fearless can produce a fine legislator. The SNL comedian Al Franken comes to mind. He proved to be an excellent, knowledgeable Senator from Wisconsin before leaving for inappropriate personal actions.
But legislators are not executives and the differences are immense.
So what’s the point of a Cynthia Nixon run for Governor?
It is not as it seems and so it becomes political theater in New York. No place in America does political theater better.
We have mentioned but never written about the Working Families Party.
While the WFP was established by NY labor unions goaded by former Mayor David Dinkins’ desire to get even with and replace the Liberal Party as an influential entity in New York politics, we have chosen not to explain what the Liberal Party did and didn’t do to make that actually happen. We saw no need to display the dishwater. The WFP exists and has flourished as the self-described progressive wing of the Democratic Party. It has supported essentially liberal Democratic candidates after demanding that they not accept Liberal Party support and after 20 or so years became effective enough to be chiefly responsible for the election and reelection of Mayor Bill DeBlasio.
They are a labor union party with very little citizen involvement. They attract community activist organizations to supplement union support rather than encourage individual enrollees.

Switching that way is what they do. Four years ago they chose a college professor Zephyr Teachout of Fordham Law to oppose Governor Andrew Cuomo’s reelection. There was a fight within their ranks…many union members wanted Cuomo. The party did not nominate Teachout but quietly supported her primary campaign with money and staff. She got more than 30% of the vote in the Democratic primary and then they switched to openly support Cuomo and he reluctantly accepted. They then ignored each other as he had no trouble defeating the Republican.
Will they do the same thing with Cynthia Nixon as their candidate for Governor against Cuomo?
For a moment it didn’t seem that way. Their pre-convention meeting on the weekend of March 13, 2018 with all of their State party delegates present, voted 91.5% to support Nixon. Cuomo – ever the tough guy – suggested that those activist organizations needing State financial support forget his number. Several major unions told the WFP leaders they were walking away from the organization for good; would support Cuomo and not come back. Cuomo said he would not seek the WFP ballot line.

But then, nervous about the overwhelming delegate vote for Nixon and what followed, the WFP blinked and had its political director state: the WFP would never support a Nixon candidacy in the general election if she did not win the primary because that might split the Democratic vote and a Republican might become Governor.
Pure political game-playing. The Republican candidate for Governor couldn’t win the job if Bugs Bunny were the Democratic candidate. The Republican Party is that far behind in registered voters and stuck behind the image of President Donald Trump, especially in New York…and the WFP knows it.
So what will happen?
Cynthia Nixon will do well in the Democratic primary because this is the political year of the woman: for all the reasons you know so well.
But Cynthia Nixon will lose the primary as the WFP announces its support of Governor Cuomo – and he accepts. And by so doing becomes Governor of New York for a third term.
Or does he?
Only if this bit of political theater has two acts. But suppose, like some of the great dramas in theatrical history, this play has three acts.
Suppose the third act is about an experienced Democrat who has been a government executive who has managed, who knows the inside and outside of public policy and wants to be Governor of NY not President of the U.S.
Suppose this candidate recognizes the huge holes in the Cuomo resume: The holes in education policy, with enormous spending and minimal results; understands the failures of the $6 billion investment and $40 million ad campaign which have done nothing to bring genuine economic development to New York State.
And suppose this candidate understands the fundamental failure of the Cuomo years: to stop pay for play; to end the corruption that has plagued New York government for generations and which continues to this day…despite arrests, trials and imprisonment…and works to end it once and for all.
These are suppositions not outside the realm of possibility.
And a winner has not yet been elected.
“But Cynthia Nixon will lose the primary as the WFP announces its support of Governor Cuomo – and he accepts. And by so doing becomes Governor of New York for a third term.
Or does he?”
Will WFP thereby get 50k votes to keep ballot status?