Photo of Kamala Harris
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris
Whether Kamala Harris is running the best campaign or not is beside the point.

She may want to be President but Donald Trump NEEDS to be President and so he will win any way he can.

Trump’s need for the job he fumbled so badly because he hardly knew or cared about government, as he now admits, is to silence the voice of his authoritarian, tyrannical, abusive Father, Fred Trump…

While calling his second son and chosen heir “the King” he told him often:
“there are only two kinds of people in life winners and losers”

And when he lost to Joe Biden, he already prepared his excuse…talking to us yes, but more importantly, talking to the ghost of his Father.

When he learned that September from his pollsters that he was losing with almost two months to go, he began saying in his speeches that the only way he could lose was if the election was stolen from him.

As the weeks before election evaporated, he became more and more certain that it would be stolen as he heard “loser, loser, loser” in his head.

And so, in the end, January 6th and an insurrection that had to fail.

When he surprised the world four years earlier by defeating Hillary Clinton, he spent 45 minutes alone in a room watching the results come in on TV.

He never said a word to anyone, then or now, about what he was thinking all alone in that room.

Photo of Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon
But when he actually showed up at the White House and went into the Oval Office, even before the inauguration, he asked Steve Bannon, then a close adviser, “what the hell do I do” And Bannon told him “Do any damn thing you want to do… you are the President.”

Today, with only days to go before the election, it is clearly evident that the odd, rambling, whining, rage-filled rally speeches saw him frustrated and furious that Joe Biden stepped aside, because beating Biden seemed like a piece of apple pie with ice cream. He was already telling Father, he was a winner, not a loser.

Suddenly he was faced with a woman few people knew but with a signature message that Trump has never been comfortable with…abortion.

His fear of loss was blatantly apparent by his nervous performance in their debate and then, most glaringly, in his refusal to meet one on one with her again.

He then refused an age-old invitation to Presidential candidates from CBS’ 60 MINUTES and limited his appearances to Fox News and other friendly media outlets.

His rallies have been filled with rambling concerns, topics coming and going, here a moment, gone a moment and then back again…often sounding like a riffing comedian – providing entertainment he knew the crowd enjoyed and expected.

It should not be forgotten that Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice” appeared on the NBC Network for 15 years in prime time. Only Lucy and Desi had a longer run on a network show.

The Apprentice made him a national celebrity as it taught him what every good Public Relations professional knows: who his audience is and what makes him their man.

Photo of Fred Trump Jr.
Fred Trump Jr.
And only a long look back at his life reveals what few people talk about: Donald was not heir apparent to Fred Trump’s real estate dynasty…Donald’s older brother, Fred, Jr was. But Fred Jr wanted to be a commercial pilot and became one despite his Father’s wishes only to receive a constant denunciation which led to his alcoholism and death at 41 because of the severity of it.

What would a younger brother see, hear and understand about going against his Father’s wishes. Choose another career and open himself up to an early death? Not hardly.

As the race stays skintight with only a few weeks to go, we are not seeing a confident Trump. This is not the Trump who has actually been President for four years, because his confidence appears false and pressured. All we hear are threats to go after those who opposed him in his reelection bid. We hear constant threats about the election system and how it could “steal” this next election from him as it did in 2020. This is a Trump with that voice in his head getting louder and louder…’loser, loser, loser’.

And so, this third time around DJT will do what he failed to do last time. He will guarantee that should the vote go against him again, he will be able to prove in a select number of “battleground” States, that illegal actions were taken to again steal votes away from him. He will be able to show exactly where those illegal actions took place…

There will be no questions about it. He will see to that.

Even though he and Mr. Vance can’t still bring themselves to admit it, hundreds and hundreds of investigations in hundreds of Courts never showed any of what Trump and the disgraced Rudy Giuliani claimed.

He and his campaign have kept pressure on all the election officials in the seven key States involved. And made sure we know it.

Only a second term as President will silence that voice in his head…a voice that should it last, might eventually threaten his life.


Photo of Fred Trump
Fred Trump
Fred Trump was a tough, vocal and extremely successful builder and real estate executive in his home base of Queens, New York. His immigrant parents came to America from Germany and brought a very successful business acumen with them.

Their eldest child, Fred, made the very, very best of it.

His activities as a builder and owner of property was so successful that he expected that his sons – Fred, Jr and Donald – would follow in his footsteps and had them both involved even while in college. Donald’s first job was collecting rents at low income housing his Father had built in Brooklyn following WWII.

Fred Trump’s harshness inside his own family and as in so many abusive situations with no interference from a Mother, led to the telling reality that President Donald Trump did not have a picture of his Mother in the Oval office until staff questioned why. Some years ago, while in Scotland, Trump visited his Mother’s home. He walked through the house obediently and left without saying a word.

All of this happened a long time ago.

Donald did not receive a gift of one million dollars to begin his own business, but instead had a dominant share of the 500 million dollars in his Father’s estate.

To understand ‘that voice’… and the son who hears it, turn to Wikipedia to read about Fred Trump.


When he gets there, this time Donald Trump will be a President led by the writings and beliefs of many who worked for him during his first term.

Photo of JD Vance
US Senator from Ohio JD Vance
This time he will be the apprentice, not the Master and he will be working not for us or himself, but for the Heritage Foundation with their own special emissary to the White House, Vice President JD Vance.

While he is busy appeasing the Russians and Chinese -giving one the Ukraine and the other, Taiwan, so that he can bring “ Peace in Our Time” he will unknowingly repeat the mistakes that led to World War 11 when the free World gave half of Europe to Hitler’s Germany just to fulfill the promise of “peace” until Hitler simply went ahead and took the rest of Europe – stopped only by the fierceness of Great Britain and the heroism of the United States.

Trump promises to give some of NATO back to Russia helping Putin regain the USSR.

And Trump will have a Congress tiptoeing behind him with a good chance of having both Houses of Congress in Republican hands or perhaps we should say, in MAGA hands.

Project 2025 is the plan. Trump won’t have to concern himself with what he doesn’t know any more. It will all be done for him.

Businessmen make poor politicians- and so poor governmental leaders because they think being a President is being a CEO.

It is not. Ask Michael Bloomberg.

Project2025 imageIf you want to look ahead, look up some of the details of Project 2025…the whole 900 pages can be found on your computer.

A Trump victory will not be a runaway …even with the games he plans to play. But it will be enough.

Ronald Reagan fell in love with the Heritage Foundation’s deeply conservative, very small, very poor Federal government approach to leading America. Reagan was considered the Republican Party’s very special man ever since.

Less than two generations later, the Republican Party is gone…turned into three initials at its convention (RNC) with no mention of the Republican Party.

What does that say about what is coming next from the source that inspired him?