We’re going to write this on a personal basis Mr. Vice President, because that’s the kind of politician you have been through your entire public service career and we think you will best appreciate our very honest concerns on a one to one basis.

For starters we can certainly agree that this Presidential campaign is like no other in history. On one hand there is a dangerous pandemic, still not entirely understood by the medical-scientific community, limiting the kind of political activity we are all accustomed to seeing.

On the other hand you are running against an incumbent President unlike any America has ever known.

In both situations the ‘unknown’ factor is large.

We do know this: ‘political action’ will be limited to those specific States in play. As we have seen in the past five decades, true Blue States and true Red States will essentially be ignored with a total emphasis on those States considered up for grabs.

And so today armed with acutely targeted social media, the campaign is already in full swing even if it seems invisible to many – even as you have seemed invisible in your bunker-like status.

We know now that you will win the majority of the popular vote. There are simply more Democrat voters in America than Republican voters and Al Gore and Hillary both won the popular vote while losing the election. That is a result none of us want.

You face a man who never believed he’d become President but ran to build his brand and then actually won. This is America where even a “political immigrant” can become President if the cards fall right.

Those are the knowns and here are the unknowns and some facts that may be uncomfortable for you.

Photo of Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Barack Obama and Joe Biden
You clearly found a great place as Barack Obama’s Vice President. In eight years you expanded your lifetime experience as a legislator into the Executive role that seemed to fit you most comfortably.

While his election brought a great and understandable pride to our African-American population, we are uncertain about what else you both did to improve the lives of that population. Because here is an uncomfortable truth: something got lost in translation. The liberal qualities and ideas inherent in both of you failed to reach those always included in the liberal focus – the blue collar working man. Add to that reality the inherent racism in America and after eight years of Obama-Biden…America got Donald Trump

Leading us to this: you have said that what is most important in a Vice Presidential candidate is a level of comfort and compatibility with a President so as to maximize the efforts of both.

Then you declared that you would select a woman as your VP candidate. And you wanted a woman who would be ready to go immediately.

And now there is “pressure” that the woman be African-American.

Clearly you know that people vote for a President not a Vice President. But today there are too many reasons for Americans to doubt whether you are still the man you were eight years ago. Your performances in the televised primary debates were often muffled and weak. You often looked outgunned by everyone on the stage…even the novice businessmen. You looked anything but the man we have come to know over the years.

People who admire you are concerned. Do you genuinely believe that America wants a black woman as President should you be forced to give up the Presidency mid-term?

In a game in which the Vice Presidential candidate usually goes after the incumbent President during the heat of an election, do you genuinely believe in this present environment that America wants to see a black woman attack a white President? Even the one we’ve got?

Photo of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
So now the question begins regarding a black woman who is ready to assume the responsibilities of the Presidency.

Susan Rice, a foreign policy expert essentially unknown to this voting public?

Kamala Harris with a strong criminal justice background in her first years in the Senate?

Stacey Abrams, a Georgia legislator who lost her bid to become that State’s first black and woman Governor?

Several completely unknown Congresswomen?

The Mayor of Atlanta?

These are women with a future in government and leadership potential. Many if not all could have a prominent place in your administration and excel. Can you honestly see any of them as ready to become President if something happens to you?

Do you think you can sell any of them as ‘Presidential’ to a nation stunned and frightened by Covid and its aftermath and whiplashed by the vicious mouth of the Entertainer who wants to be Putin and Jung- Un?

We know that last time 13% of the black vote went to Trump and that Bernie’s Bros in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin gave Trump the votes he needed to win those States…and the Presidency.

There seems to be a struggle between the moderate wing of the Democratic Party and those who call themselves progressives. We see that struggle as an illusion and a name game. Once known as liberals, many party stalwarts – and you are one – now see themselves as moderates. Others are willing to take steps away from the greed of capitalism to a time when liberals understood that social capitalism meant good government, a more sharing economy and productive power unknown in World history. None of that exists today. Nor does a working government.

Photo of Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren
Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren
We think you understand the differences and can be the leader who makes that transition not a campaign slogan but a national reality. And we see you working with Elizabeth Warren to make that reality come true. It is no accident that the Wall Streeters who hate her admit she is a master of the American economy and we need a master now. But there may be others you have in mind with such a preparedness that could also serve with you.

Please ignore the pressures. Present polling may say it doesn’t matter…but please see that it does. Be deeply honest and see your Vice President as someone who the nation will immediately recognize as a leader should she suddenly need to be just that..

You have tried over the years to be something of a Common Man…someone who understands and cares…who leads with his heart as well as his mind.

Now is your chance to prove it. To win this election we don’t need symbols, we need leaders.